Wednesday, December 17, 2008

'Why Try?' Meeting

(Journal Entry: Thursday December 12th, 2008)

Today I had my first parent meeting for ‘Why Try?’ We were expecting 25-30 of the parents to show up. We sent out letters about the meeting, and even made a personal call to most of the parents. I was not able to reach all of the parents, but I did get 25 confirmations. Of the 25 that confirmed only 10 showed up. Not one single unreached parent attended the meeting. This was a huge disappointment. We are involving the students in a program that each student has expressed interest in. We sent a letter home explaining the importance of the program; to help their at-rick children develop various life skills. Its deplorable that over half of the parents didn’t show up to support their kids! Unfortunately, we must have a signed permission slip for each kid and some kids wont get to attend because their parents will remain unreachable. No wonder, some of them are struggling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that your parent meeting attendance didn't fare as you hoped it would. Let's just think positively those parents who did attend will capture and act upon the topics you discussed.

I'll be working with an individual in my village to have a seminar for parents here in our community in January--the topic will be on creating a positive study environment within the home. Wish us luck!

Better luck on your next group meeting