Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Peanut Brittle

As for that peanut brittle; boy can it be a project. The 2nd batch came out right and required much less sticky cleanup. As for batch #1, I wish I had taken pictures of my kitchen because you would have to see the mess to believe the disaster I made of my kitchen. Caution: baking soda makes things expand! Be sure to use large pot when making brittle!

Recipe for Peanut Brittle
(makes 1 ½ lbs)

2 cups white sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
2 cups raw Spanish peanuts
1 cup water
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp baking soda
Optional – dash of vanilla

Heat on low and stir sugar, syrup, and water in large saucepan until sugar dissolves. Add salt. Cook over medium heat to soft ball stage (234 degrees). Add peanuts at 250 degrees. Continue to boil until reaches hard crack stage (290 degrees), stirring often. Remove from heat.
Quickly stir in butter and baking soda. Beat to a froth for a few seconds. Pour at once into 2 well buttered 15 ½ x 10 ½ x 1 inch pans, spreading.
Break up when cold

(tip for if you don’t have a candy thermometer: when light amber color and when small amount dropped into ice cold water separates into soft balls, introduce peanuts. 290 – 300 degrees is when small amount dropped into ice cold water separates into hard and brittle threads immediately)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds SOOO tasty. Vincys have quite the sweet tooth, maybe I'll try your recipe someday and keep a lookout for that baking soda. ^_^