Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Latest


So i just got done transcribing what felt like 100 journal entries to my blog and now my fingers are to tired to write a current one! Sorry about not blogging at all this month. I am starting to feel like a Peace Corps Volunteer, if you know what I mean. My time is becoming filled with more and more Peace Corpsy things and paying $4 on the round trip for Internet at the coffee shop is seeming more and more expensive and like it takes up too much of my time.

Anyway, my "Why Try?" groups this week went really well. The students enjoyed the group; which says a lot for students who hate being involved in anything! I could also tell the counselor that I am working with at Sir Ira learned a lot.

Saturday, Haley and I started Steel Pan lessons in Gros Islet. It seems like my previous music training served me well, cause I am picking it up nicely. Our teacher says that Haley and I will be good enough to play in the July competition when it comes. Cool! It feels nice to create music again.

Tomorrow I am probably beginning my first Karate class. There isn't any kung fu, but I should adapt well.

So, that's the latest!

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