Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hey All!

I just wanted to pop in with a breif update. Things are going well in St. Lucia. I am in the middle of conducting an 8 week HIV/AIDS workshop for a mens youth group. It is going really well, and we have had a good turn out. In the last two weeks of the workshop I will be helping them to develop a community action plan for a project about health wellness and HIV/AIDS prevention.

I have also been facilitating moe Why Try groups - going well

Lastly, Jazz was all last week. I went to a couple of events, but my hope is to participate in the festivities more next year!

Anyway, back to school stuff.... more later
- oh yes and the strike is on hold until the end of the month

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good times! Hope you're having as much fun as you are busy.