Thursday, February 26, 2009

One Pot

Entry from 2.6.09

The other day Haley, Lloyd, Sergio, and I went to Pigeon Point. We found a geocache; very cool. All day was a blast. We ran around, took pictures and played volleyball all day.

I have been cooking a lot lately. I have been learning how to make some good one pots, bouillon and dumplings. I made some lemon butter garlic sauce today for tuna (in a can of course).

One Pot – a bullion consisting of all or any combination of the following:
Lentils, dumplings, rice, noodles, plantain, green fig, onion, garlic, pumpkin, any vegetables, etc, etc.
Most often, a one pot is sure to contain lentils and dumplings.

You get the point?

Throw a bunch of food in a pot and let it boil!

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