Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tedious Training

(Journal Entry from Monday October 13th, 2008)

PC training only has one week left, WOOHOO!!!

My gosh! It’s been excruciating to sit in the training room for hours on end every week. Surely, training has got to be the hardest part. It doesn’t require a lot of brain power, but it requires insurmountable quantities of patience and tolerance. Usually 10% of PCVs drop out of the PC before every being sworn in and now I understand why. It isn’t because they are homesick or incapable of doing the work. More than once in the past 6 weeks of training I felt like calling it quits because of the ridiculous dog and pony show. Some of the PCVs in the past may not be willing to put on their clown face for seven weeks, but our group has persevered and broken a PC record; not a single person in our Eastern Caribbean group has gone home yet. We must be a tough group!

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