Well, I got my invitation to St. Lucia, a little island in the Eastern Caribbean. To give you an idea of how large... or small the island is... it's smaller than the city of Austin and has a population of 160,000. (just for reference; the population of Austin is nearly 1 million) I will be working with the youth. I'm not sure what that will look like yet, but I will know more soon enough. My departure date is August 25th; whew, thats soon. I will be sworn in as a PCV on October 10th, and my service will last until 10/10/10 <---- is that lucky or what? I am getting more and more excited about going as time goes by, but there is a lot of preparing to do, and logistics to work out. For one, I have to write a 'Letter of Aspiration' to my host country letting them know who I am, what skills I have, and why I believe I can be a good resource for St. Lucia. The pressure is on, because I only have a vague idea at this time what I will be doing in St. Lucia. I am shifting between feelings of excitement and anxiousness.
I have been trying to start packing up my things in Austin. I am sad to leave such a wonderful city with so many beautiful people. However, I am looking forward to having a month to spend with my family and friends in Dallas before heading off to a tropical wonderland. As I pack for Dallas, I am trying to keep my Peace Corps packing guidelines in mind. I don't want to be searching through tons of boxes once in Dallas, trying to find the things I need to pack for the Peace Corps. Anyway, above is a map of where I will be going and below a picture I found of a beach in St. Lucia!

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