Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I am coming home to visit from July 22nd to August 8th, WOOHOO!!! I am counting down the days already. I can't wait to see everyone. Austin buddies, I have not forgotten you July 30th - August 3rd!!! Get ready for some Barton Springs!!! I would says, lets go to Campbell's Hole, but I here the rivers are pretty dried up this year. I miss you guys!
I have 'unofficially, received funding for a project I am working on here in excess of $6000 USD!!! AND, this is just the beginning. The company, JQ Charles also says they are interested in providing financial support to roll out the Why Try Program in all secondary schools ISLAND WIDE!! GOIN NATIONAL BABY!!! Now, the first phase is our pilot of the program in all District II schools; that's 4 schools. This will be during the 2009 - 2010 school year. After I complete a project analysis and submit my report to them, they will decided if they are going to, 'officially', provide support to the remaining secondary schools across the nation!!! Pretty cool, huh?
You might be wondering about when my Peace Corps service will end then. Well, if all goes as planned and nothing changes (which who knows how likely that is) I may apply to extend my service for the sustainability of the project.
You might be wondering about when my Peace Corps service will end then. Well, if all goes as planned and nothing changes (which who knows how likely that is) I may apply to extend my service for the sustainability of the project.
Senior Games 2009... Cane RACES!!!

Monday was a Holiday in St. Lucia and some of the other volunteers and I went to the Senior Games. They had everything from 100 meter dashes (more like 100 meter trots) to 1,500 meter speed walk (which lasted 20 minutes) to cane racing. Yes, I said it... CANE RACES!!! I swear the guy that one this race wasn't a real cane user! He was totally faking it! I half expected him to twirl his cane around as he walked upright over the finish line. We had a volunteer, Diane participate in the Senior Races, too. She placed in the top 5. GO DIANE!!
Anyway, we carried on Andy and Eric's tradition from last year and placed quarter bets on who would win, who would loose, and who wouldn't finish the race!! If you guest the looser and your looser couldn't make it over the finish line, your winning pot got doubled. I walked away up 15 quarters! Woohoo!! It was great fun; an event I will definitely be attending next year. I have pictures of the stadium and everything in my slide show. Check it out!
Also, I trust I don’t have to explain why I posted this… silly… cheer leading video. Just watch it… Need I say more? ;-) OKAY, i couldn't get the video to load... will update later
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